
In regular rotation of the semesters, the Working Group of MaterialvFlow Management and Resource Economy provides courses in the bachelor and master degree programmes for environmental engineering and civil engineering as well as for the master degree programme “Energy Science and Engineering (ESE)“ of the TU Darmstadt Energy Center.Flow Management and Resource Economy provides courses in the bachelor and master degree programmes for environmental engineering and civil engineering as well as for the master degree programme “Energy Science and Engineering (ESE)“ of the TU Darmstadt Energy Center.

Information about the summer semester 2024 and winter semester 2024/2025:

The courses of the AG SuR will be offered in presence again after the winter semester 2023/24. More detailed information about the individual courses will be announced via TUCaN and Moodle.

Supervision of theses is offered regularly. Plese note that it is mandatory to participate on our workshop for “Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten am AG SuR”

The AG SuR offers a workshop on scientific work every two months. The workshop is aimed at Bachelor/Master students who are writing their thesis at the AG SuR. In the workshop, the procedure for working on a scientific paper as well as the AG's requirements for a thesis are addressed. Participation in the workshop is mandatory for successful completion.

The workshop takes place every two months on the first or second Wednesday of the month between 13:00 and 15:00, as soon as more than three students are registered. Therefore, we ask that you check with their advisor beforehand to find out the dates and to register with them. The expected dates are:

  • 07.02.2024
  • 03.04.2024
  • 05.07.2024
  • 07.08.2024
  • 02.10.2024
  • 04.12.2024

Interdisziplinäre Studienschwerpunkte (iSP)

The interdisciplinary courses (iSP) at the TU Darmstadt offer interdisciplinary lectures on sustainable development, which can be integrated into any other course of study in different ways. All information about the iSP can be found here.

Master of Science Energy Science and Engineering

The interdisciplinary Master's programme Energy Science and Engineering offers a specialization with a strong focus on energy. The central principle of this program is an interdisciplinary education. Students will gain a broad technical knowledge in the field of energy: Renewable Energies; Conventional Energy Technologies; Energy Conversion, Storage and Use; Basic Technological, Ecological, Economic and Societal conditions; Resource Situation and Climate Development.

The department offers the following courses for the Master program „Energy Science and Engineering” :

Renewable Energies, Energy Scenarios and Climate Protection


Interdisziplinäres Energieprojekt IEP

In addition we offer students of the master program the possibility of supervising their master thesis.