Welcome to the homepage of AG SuR

About us:

Reducing raw materials and energy consumption is an essential premise for sustainable development. The Working Group of Material Flow Management and Resource Economy (SuR) uses system analytical methods, in particular Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Material Flow Analysis (MFA), to investigate issues of resource and energy efficiency and circular economy.

The current team around the three team leaders covers the following main topics in research and teaching:

(Focus: Bioeconomy, Circular Economy, LCA Methodology)

(Focus: Circular Economy, Resource Efficiency, Digitalization)

(Focus: Prospective LCA, Energy Technologies, LCA Data Management)

Theses (B.Sc. and M.Sc. will be supervised in connection with ongoing research projects. Current topics can be found here .

The courses on Life Cycle Assessment will continue to be offered.

The current courses from WS 2024/25 can be found here .

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Liselotte Schebek retires

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Liselotte Schebek, head of the SuR working group, retired on the 1st of October 2023.

The current contact persons for the AG SuR and the subject area of Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment are the team leaders:

The FG SuR team cooperates closely with the Life Cycle Assessment working group of the Digitalisation of Resources department at the Frauenhofer Research Institution for Materials Recycling and Resource Strategy IWKS.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. L. Schebek,
Institut IWAR

Welcome to the homepage of the Working Group of Material Flow Management and Resource Economy!