The project aims to develop and demonstrate an innovative process that promotes coastal UWWTPs sustainability by contributing for the water remediation and reuse, favouring the circular economy paradigm, generating in-situ renewable energy recovery and minimizing the pressure over aquatic ecosystems. This approach will reduce the environmental impact associated to the overabstraction of freshwater natural resources and the external energy demand in UWWTPs (and thus, the negative impacts associated to fuel-based energy generation and transport). The main goal of LIFE-3E is to contribute to improve the sustainability of water resources through the demonstration, with an innovative concept-based prototype, of the efficient remediation ofwastewaters in coastal UWWTPs, for urban, irrigation or industrial uses. To accomplish the global objective, integration of advanced remediation technologies powered by SGE will be approached. Efficient water reuse through LIFE-3E process will be evaluated by the LCA tool to assess the project's contribution to minimise the depletion of water sources (water remediation) and impact over ecosystems, while reducing GHG emissions (renewable energy recovery).
Medio Ambiente, Agua, Residuos y Energía de Cantabria, S.A. MARE
01. Oktober 2020 – 30. September 2024