Regarding the depletion of fossil resources, the establishment and use of new technologies and sustainable resources is becoming increasingly important. One way to conserve these resources and still maintain or improve the current living standard is through bio-economic approaches. In many developing countries, such as the Ivory Coast or Morocco, the bio-economy is not yet an integral part of the current political and societal discussion. The use of waste biomass for the production of bio-based products could be an opportunity to contribute to the improvement of the economy, environment and quality of life of the population through the bio-economic approach. This can be achieved through the use of environmental biotechnologies, such as fermentation plants. A societal change is needed in order to implement biotechnologies and develop a bio-economic strategy. For this, the presented project intervenes and educates students with appropriate expertise, establishes contacts between universities and industry, promotes the active exchange of scientists within Africa and establishes contact to established companies in Germany in the waste management and bio-economy / biotechnology sector.
For the scientific education of Master's students, courses are offered in bio-economics, resource management and biotechnologies as well as practical work in the laboratory or pilot plant scale. Furthermore, African students are given the opportunity to write their final thesis in Germany and to do internships with the participating practical partners. To establish a bio-economy cluster in these countries stakeholder workshops are planned in Marrakech and Abidjan to strengthen the networking between science, politics and industry.
TU Darmstadt, FG Stoffstrommangagement und Ressourcenwirtschaft
01. Juni 2020 – 31. Dezember 2023
Financing Organization
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), gefördert vom DAAD aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)