D.Sc. Dipl. Ing. Katia Regina Alves Nunes
Firma: Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro - Secr. Saúde e Defesa Civil (Gemeinde von Rio de Janeiro (Brasilien) - Stadtverwaltung Abt. Gesundheit und Zivilschutz)
1. Papers in Journals
Sallaberry, R. ; Nunes, K. R. A. ; Schebek, L. . Land-use change due to sugarcane crop expansion and elimination of burning on field in São Paulo State, Brazil. Revue de Métallurgie (In print), 2013.
Souza, D. P.; Mendonca, F.; Valle, R ; Nunes, K. R. A. Environmental and Socioeconomic Analysis of Producing Biodiesel from Used Cooking Oil in Rio de Janeiro. Journal of Industrial Ecology, v. 16, p. 655-664, 2012. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-9290.2012.00517.x)
Nunes, K. R. A. ; Valle, R. ; Schebek, L. ; Peixoto, J. A. A. Business sustainability in Brazil and Germany: Case study of the automotive industry. International Journal of Energy and Environment, v. 1, p. 321-332, 2010.
Nunes, K.R.A. ; Mahler, C.F. ; Valle, R.A.. Reverse logistics in the Brazilian construction industry. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 90, p. 3717-3720, 2009. (DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2008.05.026)
Souza, D. P.; Nunes, K. R. A. ; Valle, R.; Carneiro, A. C. M. ; Mendonca, F. . The Contribution of Industrial and Artisanal Fishing to the Climate Change: Comparison of the Global Warming Potentials of Fishing in Brazil. Environmental Research Journal, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2009.
Nunes, K. R. A.; Peixoto, J. A. A. ; Valle, R.; Hartard, S.; Schebek, L. . Relato e Benchmarking em Sustentabilidade Empresarial: Comparação entre a Indústria Automobilística no Brasil e na Alemanha. Tecnologia & Cultura (CEFET/RJ), v. 9, p. 58-67, 2009.
Gomes, C ; Nunes, K. R. A ; Xavier, L. H. ; Cardoso, R ; Valle, R. Multicriteria decision making applied to waste recycling in Brazil. Omega (Oxford), v. 36, p. 395-404, 2008.
Nunes, K. R. A.; Mahler, C ; Valle, R ; Neves, C. Evaluation of investments in recycling centres for construction and demolition wastes in Brazilian municipalities. Waste Management (Elmsford), v. 27, p. 1531-1540, 2007. (DOI: 10.1016/j.omega.2006.07.009)
Nunes, K. R. A.; Mahler, C.; Valle, R. Bauabfallmanagement und Baustoffaufbereitungsanlagen in Lateinamerika (C&D waste management and recycling in Latin America). Mull und Abfall, v. 39, p. 488-494, 2007. (ISSN: 0027-2957)
Nunes, K. R. A. Umweltmanagement in Bauunternehmen: Zukunftschance ? Baumarkt und Bauwirtschaft, v. 1, p. 17-20, 1996. (ISSN 0341-2717)
2. Books (Chapters)
Nunes, K. R. A., Schebek, L.
Sustainable Supply Chain Initiatives in the Brazilian Construction Industry. In: Handbook of Sustainable Management. In press. Imperial College Press, London.
Souza, D. P., Nunes, K. R. A., Valle, R., Carneiro, A. M., Mendonça, F. M.
Application of LCA to a Comparison of the Global Warming Potential of Industrial and Artisanal Fishing in the State of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). In: Conservation of Natural Resources. Nova Publishers, New York, USA, 2009, ISBN 9781607411789.
3. Papers in Conferences
Nunes, K. R. A.; Schebek, L.
ACV de alternativas para manejo e destinação de resíduos da construção civil na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. In: II Congresso Brasileiro de Gestão do Ciclo de Vida, 2010, Florianopolis. Procedings II Congresso Brasileiro de Gestão do Ciclo de Vida. Florianópolis, 2010.
Nunes, K.R. A., Schebek, L.
C&D waste in Rio de Janeiro City: Experiences with new legislation and standards. In: Proceedings of 12th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Sardinia, Italy, 4 -9 October 2009.
Nunes, K. R. A., Mahler, C. F., Valle, R. Feasibility study of recycling facilities in Brazil: The Case of Rio de Janeiro. In: Proceedings of ASCE Geo Congress 2008 (American Society of Civil Engineers – Geotechnical Congress 2008), New Orleans, USA, March 9 -12, 2008.
Nunes, K. R. A., Valle, R., Peixoto, J., Hartard, S. Sustainability benchmarking in Brazil and Germany: Study case of the Automotive Industry. In: Proceedings of GBID (Conference of Global Business Innovation and Development), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 16 -19 2008.
Valle, R., Nunes, K. R. A., Souza, D. P. Aplicação da metodologia de avaliação do ciclo de vida (ACV) na indústria da pesca (Application of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology in the fish industry). In: Proceedings of XXVII ENEGEP Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção (XXVII National Production Engineering Meeting). Foz do Iguacu, Brazil. 09 – 11 October 2007.
Nunes, K. R. A., Mahler, C., Valle, R. Recycling centres for construction and demolition wastes in Brazil: A study case for the City of Rio de Janeiro. In: Proceedings of 11th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Sardinia, Italy, 1 -5 October 2007.
Nunes, K. R. A., Mahler, C., Valle, R. Market analyse and demand estimate of construction and demolition waste: The case study of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. In: Proceedings of International Conference Waste Management, Environmental Geotechnology and Global Sustainable Development, Slovenia, 28 – 30. August 2007.
Mendes, O., Nunes, K. R. A., Valle, R. Análise de ciclo de cida e gestão de fornecedores: Estudo de caso da indústria automobilística (Cycle Life Assessment and Suppliers Management: The study case of the automotive industry). In: Proceedings of CILCA 2007 (International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment), São Paulo, February 26 – 28, 2007.
Nunes, K. R. A., Mahler, C. F., Valle, R. Diagnoses of construction and demolition waste management in Brazilian municipalities. In: Proceedings of ICIDEN-ABUJA 2006 (International Conference on Infrastructure Development and the Environment), Abuja, Nigeria. September 10 – 15, 2006.
Nunes, K. R. A., Mahler, C. F., Valle, R. Diagnóstico de gestões municipais de resíduos sólidos da construção civil (Diagnosis of the present municipal waste management practices). In: Proceedings of XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (XXIII Brazilian Congress of Environmental Engineering), Campo Grande, September 18 – 23, 2005.
Nunes, K. R. A., Mahler, C. F., Valle, R. Reverse logistic in the Brazilian construction industry. In. Proceedings of INCEED 2005 International Conference an Energy, Environment and Disaster, Charlotte, North Caroline, USA, v. 1, July 24 – 30, 2005. Pages 1 -16.
Nunes, K. R. A., Schnatmeyer, M., Thoben, K. D., Valle, R. Using Transponder Technology for Waste Minimization in the Automotive Industry. INCOM 2006: 12th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEEE/IMS Symposium Information Control Problems in Manufacturing. Saint-Etienne, France, Preprints Volume III Operational Research, May 17-19, 2006. Pages 221 – 226.
Nunes, K. R. A., Mahler, C. F., Valle, R. Logística reversa na indústria da construção civil (Reverse logistic in the construction industry). In: Proceedings of ICTR 2004 Congresso Brasileiro de Ciência e Tecnologia em Resíduos e Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Brazilian Congress of Science and Technology in Waste and Sustainable Development), Florianópolis, Brazil, October 10-12, 2004.
Gomes, C. F. S., Nunes, K. R. A., Valle, R. The Brazilian Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling Centres – Using the MCDA THOR in a Real Case to Evaluate Performance. In: Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis, Whistler, B.C. Canada, August 6 – 11, 2004.
Nunes, K. R. A., Gomes, C. F. S., Valle, R. Centrais de reciclagem de RCD implantadas no Brasil: Uso da metodologia THOR para avaliar desempenhos (The use of Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis in the cost and production performance analyse of recycling centres in Brazil). In: Proceedings VI Symposium of Navy Operational Research, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 6 – 11 December 2003.
Nunes, K. R. A. Integração dos Sistemas de Gestão nas Áreas de Qualidade, Meio Ambiente e de Segurança do Trabalho em Empresas Construtoras Alemães (Integration of management systems in the areas of quality, environment and work safety in German construction companies). In: Proceedings XX Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (Proceedings of XX Brazilian Congress of Environmental Engineering), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 1999, Pages 329 – 333.
Nunes, K. R. A. Gestão Ambiental em Construtoras: Principais Áreas Abrangidas dentro do Canteiro de Obras (Environmental Management in Construction Companies: The construction sites). In: Proceedings II Seminário Internacional de Qualidade Ambiental (Proceedings II International Seminar of Environmental Quality), Porto Alegre, Brazil, October 1998, Pages 410 – 413.