Dr.-Ing. Yalda Cikovani
Land use change and GHG-Emissions resulting from biofuel consumption in Germany 2020
Final Report „BioEnergieDat-Bereitstellung einer aktuellen und harmonisierten Datenbasis als Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung einer nachhaltigen Bioenergiestrategie“, KIT ITAS, KIT IAI, DLR-ITT, GreenDelta, HSZG, RU Bochum LEE, U Stuttgart IER, Wuppertal Institut, 2013.
Florian Humpenöder, Rüdiger Schaldach, Yalda Cikovani, Liselotte Schebek, “Effects of land-use change on the carbon balance of 1st generation biofuels: An analysis for the European Union combining spatial modeling and LCA”, Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 56, September 2013, Pages 166–178.
Ulrike Neumaier, Lisa Rhein, Anne Simmerling, Yalda Shayeghi, “Der Blick über den Tellerrand”, Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur Kommunikation von Nichtwissen in der Wissenschaft, Journal of Specialized Communication, 1-2/2010.
J. Arras, M. Steffan, Y. Shayeghi, D. Ruppert, P. Claus, “Regioselective catalytic hydrogenation of citral with ionic liquids as reaction modifiers” Green Chemistry 2009, DOI: 10.1039/b822992a.
J. Arras, M. Steffan, Y. Shayeghi, P. Claus, “The Promoting Effect of a Dicyanamide based Ionic Liquid in the Selective Hydrogenation of Citral”, Chemical Communication, 2008, 4058-4060. DOI: 10.1039/b810291k.
J. Arras, M. Steffan, Y. Shayeghi, P. Claus, „Sweet Smell of Success“, Chemical Science, 2008, 5, C75.
Y.Cikovani, L.Schebek, R.Schaldach, „A deterministic approach for an ecological assessment of iLUC within the framework of LCA A“, Universität Kassel, CESR-Research-Colloquium, 08.07.2012.
Y. Cikovani, L. Schebek, R. Schaldach, F. Humpenöder, “Carbon flows from land use changes in LCA on bioenergy as a function of biomass demand and spatial allocation of land”, SETAC Berlin, 20.-24.05.2012.
Y. Cikovani, R. R. Sallaberry, L. Schebek, “Assessment of direct and indirect land use changes due to bioenergy production using a spatially explicit and deterministic model”, Public Research Centre Henri Tudor (CRPHT), Luxemburg, 13.05.-15.05.2012.
Y.Cikovani, L.Schebek, R.Schaldach, „A deterministic approach to assess iLUC within the framework of LCA“, Fair Fuels – Quantification of GHG-Emissions based on iLUC, Berlin 25.4.2012.
Florian Humpenöder, Rüdiger Schaldach, Yalda Shayeghi, Liselotte Schebek, ”Analyzing land-use effects on the carbon balance of biofuels by coupling a spatial model to LCA”, Environinfo, Ispra Italy, 05.-07.10.2011.
Y. Shayeghi, L. Schebek, Rüdiger Schaldach, “Bioenergy and Land Use Changes- A Novel Approach for Assessment in Consequential LCA”, ISIE Berkeley CA, 07.-10.06.2011.
Y. Shayeghi, L. Schebek, “Life Cycle Assessment and the Limits of Knowledge”, SETAC, Seville, Spain 23-27. 05.2010.
J. Arras, M. Steffan, Y. Shayeghi, P. Claus, „The promoting effect of dicyanamide based ionic liquids in the citral hydrogenation: selective production of citronellal“, Achema Frankfurt am Main, 11.-15.05.2009.
J. Arras, M. Steffan, Y. Shayeghi, P. Claus, „One-pot-Produktion von Citronellal durch palladiumkatalysierte Citral-Hydrierung unter Zugabe ionischer Flüssigkeiten“, 42. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar, 11.-13.03.2009.
J. Arras, D. Ruppert, M. Steffan; Y. Shayeghi, P. Claus, “Ionic liquids as reaction modifiers in the heterogeneously catalyzed selective hydrogenation of citral.” EuropaCat IX “Catalysis for a Sustainable World”, Salamanca, Spanien, 30. 08.-04.09. 2009.
J. Arras, M. Steffan, Y. Shayeghi, P. Claus “Promoting effect of ionic liquids in citral hydrogenation: one-pot production of citronellal on modified metal/support catalysts.” 21st NAM, San Francisco, USA, 07. – 12. 06. 2009.
J. Arras, D. Ruppert, M. Steffan; Y. Shayeghi, P. Claus, „Ionische Flüssigkeiten als Promotoren: one-pot-Produktion von Citronellal durch palladiumkatalysierte Citralhydrierung.“ Jahrestreffen Reaktionstechnik Würzburg, 08.-10. 06. 2009.
Y. Shayeghi, L. Schebek, Rüdiger Schaldach, “Bioenergy-Parameterization of Land Use Change Patterns and Limits of Knowledge”, SIEYP Berkeley CA, 11.06.2011.
Y. Shayeghi, L. Schebek, Rüdiger Schaldach, “Inclusion of Land Use Changes in LCA on Bioenergy-Parameterization of Land Use Change Patterns”, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Milan Italy 15.-19.05.2011.
Y. Shayeghi, O. Mrani, L. Schebek, W. R. Poganietz, “Umweltrelevanz der energetischen und stofflichen Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe”, 2. Erneuerbare Energiekonferenz, Darmstadt, 25.02.2010.
J. Arras, M. Steffan, P. Claus, „Hydrogenation of Citral using Ionic Liquids as Supported Ionic Liquid Layers“, Green Solvents –Progress in Science and Application, Friedrichshafen, 28. 09.-01. 10.2008.
J. Arras, M. Steffan, Y. Shayeghi, P. Claus, „Hydrogenation of Citral using Ionic Liquids: Selective Production of Citronellal with Metal/Support Catalysts“, EUCHEM Conference on Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids, Kopenhagen, Dänemark, 24.-29. 08.2008.