Almut Güldemund M.Sc.

Working area(s)

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Material Flow Analysis (MFA), Circular Bio-Economy, Quantification of biogenic residual and waste material potentials, Substitution potential for conventional raw materials by biogenic residual and waste materials


work +49 6151 16-20734
fax +49 6151 16-20230

Work L5|01 329
Franziska-Braun-Straße 7
64287 Darmstadt


Seit 12/2019: TU Darmstadt. Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut IWAR – Fachgebiet Stoffstrommanagement und Ressourcenwirtschaft.

09/2017 – 11/2019: TU Darmstadt. Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am FB 13 – Arbeitsgruppe Planen, Entwerfen und Konstruieren und am FB 13- Institut IWAR – Fachgebiet Stoffstrommanagement und Ressourcenwirtschaft

10/2012 – 01/2016: Technische Universität Berlin. Master of Science Process Energy and Environmental Systems Engineering. Thema der Masterthesis: Verwertung biogener Abfallstoffe im Land Berlin am Beispiel der Mitverbrennung von Laubpellets in einer Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsanlage.

10/2008 – 03/2012: Fachhochschule Brandenburg. Bachelor of Engineering Maschinenbau – Energie- und Umwelttechnik. Thema der Bachelorthesis: Separation von CdTe im Recycling von Dünnschicht-Photovoltaik durch Flotation.

Or by agreement

  • Environmental sciences at TU Darmstadt
  • Energy efficiency
Year Titel
2020 Analysis of the emergence of biogenic commercial and industrial residual and waste streams in the industrial sector and their potential contribution to the bio-economy in Germany (BA)
2020 Light-driven biofuel production in Yarrowia lipolytica: Genetic and bioprocess optimisation in bench-top bioreactors and life cycle assessment (MA)
2020 Investigation of the environmental impacts of various production processes for biofuels using life cycle assessment (BA)

Güldemund, Almut; Zeller, Vanessa; Schebek, Liselotte (2020): Supporting the Analysis of Material Flows in Circular Bio-Economy System – Coupling the global equilibrium model MAGNET with a material flow model for bio-based residues and wastes. In: Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Conference (ICEC) 2020, 30.November – 3. December 2020, virtual conference

Güldemund, Almut; Zeller, Vanessa; Schebek, Liselotte (2020): transformation analysis & development concepts of a regional bio-economy. In: Life Cycle Innovation Conference (LCIC) 2020, 26.-28. August 2020, virtual conference

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