
News at Institute IWAR

Here you find all the news at Institute IWAR and its chairs: In addition to information on exciting events and interesting facts from the world of research, we inform you here about current vacancies and provide information on upcoming exam dates and exam insights.

SAVE THE DATE: 92. Damstädter Abwasserseminar

NOTE: The venue has changed. The wastewater seminar will now take place at the darmstadtium – Wissenschafts- und Kongresszentrum Darmstadt.

On 23 January 2025, there will once again be exciting presentations from research and practice on the topic of wastewater treatment. This time the focus will be on nitrogen management

All information about the event and the option to register online can be found here.

You can download the flyer as a PDF here (opens in new tab)

All news from Institute IWAR