Jochen Sinn Dipl.-Ing.
work +49 6151 16-20308
fax +49 6151 16-20305
L5|01 201
Franziska-Braun-Str. 7
Supervision of Bachelor and Master Theses
- on request concerning waste stabilization ponds and water reuse
Research interests
- Improvement of waste stabilization ponds
- Water reuse in agriculture
Research projects
- CuveWaters – Integrated Water Resources Management in Central-Northern Namibia: Energy-efficient sanitation concept for the production of irrigation water containing nutrients – scientific monitoring and handover to local institutions
- „Abwassertechnik 1“ (wastewater technology 1) part 2
- Planning, construction and operation of wastewater treatment plants
- Project Seminar ”Kommunale Planung Ver- und Entsorgung“ (municipal planning, supply and disposal)

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