Activated Carbon Adsorption
We investigate the adsorption of organic wastewater constituents on activated carbon (powdered activated carbon, superfine powdered activated carbon, granulated activated carbon) and determination of wastewater-specific correlations (DOC / UV-absorbance(254) / etc.)

Advanced Wastewater Treatment
We analyze and evaluate processes for the advanced removal of anthropogenic micropollutants, microplastics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria and genes and deal with monitoring using specialized analytics.

Phosphorus Removal
We are investigating the advanced removal of phosphorus, optimizing chemical-physical processes for precipitation and flocculation and developing synergies in connection with the removal of trace substances.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions
We measure nitrous oxide (N₂O) using advanced analytics (respirometry, profile measurements, photoacoustic gas analysis) and develop strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in various biological systems.

Nitrogen Removal
We have long-standing expertise in conventional and innovative processes for the biological removal of nitrogen in wastewater treatment (nitrification/denitrification, nitritation/denitritation, anammox, partial nitritation/anammox, etc.).

Biofilm Systems
We have broad expertise in the design and operation of various biofilm systems (e.g. MABR, MBBR, etc.) for wastewater treatment and conduct research on innovative processes from laboratory scale to large-scale implementation.

Process Optimization
We develop and implement optimized process concepts for large-scale wastewater treatment plants using interdisciplinary analysis methods (metagenomics, mathematical simulation, activity tests, etc.).

Biofilm modeling
We investigate the performance and composition of biofilms in reactors for wastewater treatment using 1-D and multidimensional models. This includes observations at the biofilm level as well as at the reactor level.

Simulation of Wastewater Treatment Plants
With the help of simulation, we design and optimize waste water treatment plants, e.g. in terms of energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions. In order to do this, we use commercial software like SUMO and SIMBA.

Granular activated carbon filters
We work on models to predict the behaviour of organic carbon and micropollutants in granular activated carbon (GAC) filters. A special focus lies on the biofilm that surrounds the GAC grains.

Biokinetic Modelling
Using activated sludge type models (ASM), we try to identify and understand sources and sinks of N2O in wastewater treatment systems. By extending existing ASM models, we can represent the relevant conversion processes.

Machine Learning Tools
Machine Learning Tools can identify patterns within large datasets. We can use this information for predictive modelling and data augmentation. The latter can improve the accuracy of mechanistic models.

Environmental genomic surveillance
We use quantitative methods and next-generation sequencing to track prevalence and composition of the pathogens (e.g SARS-CoV-2, Influenza, Monkeypox, TB) in the context of One Health.

Omics of antimicrobial resistances
Using cost-effective genome sequencing, we monitor antimicrobial resistance bacteria (ARB) and genes (ARG) in various environmental compartments. We evaluate performance of advanced wastewater treatment processes in the context of AMR dissemination risk.

Microbiome profiling
We perform 16s rRNA sequencing to determine the biodegradation potential of the microbial compositions in various environments. We apply these methods further to biological wastewater treatment, allowing us to troubleshoot problems. This allows us to elucidate deficiencies or overgrowth of microbial members impacting treatment efficiency.

Microbiome characterization
We use whole genome sequencing, targeted sequencing, and transcriptomics to elucidate microbe-microbe interactions and microbial metabolic pathways relevant for wastewater processes including nitrogen and phosphorous transformations.

Microbial imaging
We visualize bacterial consortia in biofilms and activated sludge via florescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) to understand microbe-microbe associations and spatially distributed processes for environmental applications.

Applied bioinformatics
We develop novel approaches for characterizing pathogens (bacteria and viruses) and their genomic characteristics for environmental surveillance, as well as for elucidating the metabolic potential and gene On-Off mechanisms for optimization of biological processes in wastewater, drinking water, and soil.

Microbial kinetics
We use culture-based methods to assess the impact of micropollutants on the growth of microorganisms. We evaluate the biodegradation performance of the microorganisms, and the extent of spread of antibiotic resistance genes among targeted bacterial population.
The research laboratory at institute IWAR provides the Department of Water and Environmental Biotechnology with a wide range of methods for chemical-physical analysis.