New Publication

Effect of ozone stress on the intracellular metabolites from Cobetia marina


Junjie Li, Christoph Rumancev, Holger V. Lutze, Torsten C. Schmidt, Axel Rosenhahn & Oliver J. Schmitz

A GCxGC-MS system was employed with a non-polar × mid-polar column set for the metabolic non-target analysis of Cobetia marina, the model bacteria for marine biofouling. C. marina was treated with ozone to investigate the intracellular metabolic state change under oxidative stress. A minimal inhibitory concentration test was involved to guarantee that the applied ozone dosages were not lethal for the cells. In this study, non-target analyses were performed to identify the metabolites according to the NIST database. As a result, over 170 signals were detected under normal living conditions including 35 potential metabolites. By the comparison of ozone-treated and non-treated samples, five compounds were selected to describe observed trends of signals in the contour plots. Oleic acid exhibited a slight growth by increasing ozone dosage. In contrast, other metabolites such as the amino acid L-proline showed less abundance after ozone treatment, which was more evident once ozone dosage was raised. Thus, this work could provide a hint for searching for up/downregulating factors in such environmental stress conditions for C. marina.

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